Tuscany Region takes part to the EEC Project with the Dept. of Technological Transfer Services and Infrastructures. The Dept. is composed by 8 people, and in charge of managing Regional, National and European funds for:
The project activities will be carried out also together with the Industrial Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer Dept. of Tuscany Region in order to have a wider involvement of the regional administration. This Dept., composed by 12 people, is in charge of the management of ERDF funds of the Regional Operative Programme 2007-2013 (objective competitiveness and employment) related to initiatives supporting industrial research and innovation among research centres and enterprises.
- Partner name: Tuscany Region | Dept. of Technological Transfer Service and Infrastructure
- Street & number: Via Luca Giordano, 13
- Postal Code: I-50132
- City: Florence
- Contact mail: andrea.zei@regione.toscana.it
- Website: www.regione.toscana.it